20 July 2012

Eat. Sleep. Poop. Repeat.

Well, my first two weeks have been amazing. I was born 804pm July 5, 2012. 7lb 12 oz, 20" long. Apparently, I had a two week check up the other day. I am now 8 lb 4 oz, my eye color is already getting lighter, and it's looking like I'm going to be a ginger, just like daddy! I'm sure my mom is pleased.

I haven't been doing much except eating, pooping, and sleeping. I am just so tired! Probably because I'm the coolest baby in the world at this particular moment in time...having a status like that sure is exhausting.

I tagged along with my parents when they went out for sushi the other night. Don't worry, I didn't eat any. Duh, I'm far too young for that. I don't even know where my own foot is...but I'm glad Mommy and Daddy got out for a nice meal!

I don't know much about this world yet, but I do know for a fact that I do not like bath time. It's been two weeks since I've been submerged in warm liquid and now that I'm out, I'd like it to stay that way! Or perhaps my parentals just caught me on an "off" day when they attempted this bath.

I'm looking forward to the weekend. Don't know what I'm going to do yet, but as long as it involves sleeping and eating, I'm okay with it.

Until next time, peace out. Time to get my milk mustache on....

06 July 2012

Hello World!

Well, I've made it into this world and I finally got to meet my parents! I am so happy to be here in my mother's arms and I love them so much!!! I can't wait to meet the rest of my family!

My parents are super busy with me right now and they need lots of rest, so I'll have more information for you later. Until then, wish me luck on my first day in this world! xoxo

27 June 2012

Eviction Notice

The closer I get to being born, the more uncomfortable my mom becomes.

I was recently served an eviction notice. 

I'll be here soon, I swear!

My mom texted her best friend Kara (my future Auntie) yesterday and said this:
"80% effaced, starting to dilate, and she's at zero station".
I can only assume this means I'll be here soon.
World, prepare yourself for my arrival!